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Find out What our students say about the Therapeutic Shamanism courses

Just as a good wine keeps resonating on the palate, the courses provide insights that continue to resonate in mind and soul, long after the course is done!  A unique blend of wisdom and support drawn from a wide range of valid psychotherapeutic and shamanic sources, “Finding Your True Soul” has been a transformative course for me. It has not only clarified the distinction between Soul and Spirit, but also, thanks to the practical part of the course, enabled me to embody and inhabit my soul self in the nurturing context of my Lower-World soul tribe. That’s been pivotal in helping me to draw on the fundamental truth and authenticity the soul provides to nourish and keep me more on track in everyday middle-world life.


I recommend the college – I have found them to be friendly and extremely knowledgeable, and encouraging. I now have a community with other like-minded people.

Also, I have found the online access to be invaluable. It’s unlikely that I would have been able to join the groups otherwise. As a psychotherapist who practices online, I’m not put off by the online aspect at all, although I did sniff at the idea when I practised only face to face. I now know that it can be extremely effective and being online allows people from all over the globe to come together, which I think is a fantastic thing. It also saves time and unnecessary travel and is accessible for people who cannot travel easily.


Paul is an inspiring, grounded, passionate, sane teacher. He’s honest, emotionally vulnerable, straightforward, kind, funny and does not suffer fools. This is refreshing given the bullshit that is being published and taught out there by head-tripping ungrounded New Age spiritual ‘teachers’. Cat is quietly in the background organising things and is also an amazing therapeutic shamanic practitioner (I’ve had a Soul Retrieval with her one to one) and both make you feel very welcome as an individual. They are also very reasonably priced

S. W.

A really big thank you … for the incredibly profound, powerful and important work that we have had the chance to engage in during our course. It has been a “wholifying” and growth experience in every way! Each week I have been wowed, not only by the encyclopaedic knowledge that Paul generously shares, the richness of the information in the lecture part, but also by the equally rich, beautiful and sometimes moving journeying experiences we have been able to live, as well as the warm, supportive sharing afterwards. Each group I’ve been in has been a haven of trust, wonder and nurturing as we shared our experiences and sometimes marvelled at the synchronicites.



​I can’t believe how lucky I’ve been in finding Three Ravens. It definitely feels like finding the needle in the haystack of ungrounded, unethical and egotistical spiritual practices and teachers. Paul is an incredible, no-nonsense and no-drama teacher and the wisdom he imparts speaks from a lifetime of experience and extensive personal practice. The provision of a space where I can also be surrounded by others who understand my grief about the state of the modern world and the yearning to revive the wisdom and practices we have lost is invaluable. I cannot recommend this college highly enough. My unending gratitude to Paul and the supporting staff.


I thoroughly enjoy these courses and the 3 Ravens approach to facilitating learning (which is different to teaching, as not all teachers actually assist their students learning!). I actually love being part of this experience!


Paul is a brilliant teacher. I say that as someone who has spent 30 years of my life in the teaching profession, and is not easily impressed these days! He has an encyclopedic knowledge, combined with compassion, wisdom and gentleness. He really knows how to hold a group without having to be impressive (in fact, he is quite a humble man!).


In a sea of ungrounded shamanism and other spiritual practices, finding the 3 Ravens was like finding a haven in a storm. I love the college’s uniquely grounded, practical and sane approach. I feel like I have finally come home and found a place where, at last, I can grow and really thrive.


The Therapeutic Shamanism courses are brilliant. They are endlessly fascinating, and skilfully delivered. The balance between theory and practice is just right, and I always come away from the weekends having learnt loads not just about shamanism, but about myself, other people, life, and the universe! Great stuff.

Blackburn, Lancashire.

Learning about what it means to be an Adult filled me with excitement for the future, reminded me about the unique purpose we have as individuals, and encouraged me to step on a way of finding my true Soul.  [Finding Your True Soul]

Nova Gorica, Slovenia

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