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First Steps Course



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Dates: November 9th to December 14th, 2024


  • The history of shamanism and animism, and how this indigenous knowledge was central to how all our ancestors once lived. How, in turning away from this, and disconnecting from the natural world, we lost our way (the “Great Forgetting”). Discover how we can bring this ancient wisdom back (the “Great Remembering”).
  • How to do a shamanic journey (a practical, safe and step-by-step method).
  • How to do a Power Animal retrieval journey and find your Power Animal.
  • Other practices to powerfully connect back to nature.
  • Therapeutic Shamanism – the differences and similarities between ancient shamanism and modern psychotherapy, and what they might learn from each other.
  • How to practice shamanism in an ethical way, and based on healthy power dynamics.
  • The basics of how to do simple shamanic healing for other people (including not just humans, but pets and other animals too).
  • How to use this knowledge and these practices to continue what can be a life-long journey of growth, healing, wonder and discovery.
  • … and much, much more besides!
  1. Main Tutor. Paul Francis, founder of the college and author of the Therapeutic Shamanism series of books.
ongoing access
& free repeats
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Play Video about shamanic journey

Shamanism is a branch of animism, our oldest spirituality. Animists experience that not just humans, but all things have a soul – a life force and consciousness. The world, and everything in it, is alive, conscious and sacred (albeit conscious in a way that might be quite different to human consciousness).
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Play Video about spirit animals shamanic journey

It is not the shaman that does the healing, but their guides working through them. In Therapeutic Shamanism, your first and foremost guide is your Power Animal. ⁠You are the apprentice, and your Power Animal is your principal teacher.
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Play Video about shamanic journey realms

Shamanism tells us that there is another, deeper reality behind this day-to-day, physical one. Whilst shamanic people live with the sense of both ordinary reality and shamanic reality being side-by-side, there are times when they choose to deliberately and temporarily immerse themselves more fully in shamanic reality; to enter one of the shamanic realms and go on a shamanic journey. 
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Hollowing-out means stepping aside from our day-to-day concerns as much as possible, and from our own agendas, drives, beliefs and preconceptions, so the healing Spirits can communicate and work through us without all that getting in the way. We need to hollow-out, or our journeys will be coloured, driven and distorted by our ego.
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Download the free e-book.
In this guide, I share insights and practical tips on how shamanism can help you connect with your inner wisdom and the healing power of the natural world. It presents a comprehensive approach to shamanism, covering a range of topics such as animism, shamanic journeying, finding your Power Animal and more.

Sharing is caring! If you found “Start your shamanic journey” helpful, please pass it along to anyone who might also benefit from exploring the world of shamanism.

Your support helps us create a world where shamanic wisdom and healing are accessible to all. Thank you for being a part of this mission!


Learning shamanism online has proven to be effective and enjoyable. The course consists of a mixture of videoslive sessionstheory talks, question-and-answer sessions, group discussionexperiential exercises, and practice. The course is around 14 hours long, delivered via a mixture of live sessions, pre-recorded teaching videos and demos, and online group discussion. 

Learning shamanism online has proven to be effective and enjoyable. The course consists of a mixture of:

  • videos, 
  • live sessions, 
  • theory talks, 
  • question-and-answer sessions, 
  • group discussion, 
  • experiential exercises, 
  • and practice. 

The course is around 14 hours long, delivered via a mixture of live sessions, pre-recorded teaching videos and demos, and online group discussion. 

Course Structure. The course runs between November 9th and December14th, 2024. It is delivered via:

  • Three live sessions on November 9th, November 23rd, and December 7th. The live sessions start at 2pm (UK time). The first is 3.5 to 4 hours long, and covers the first two modules (described below). The second and third live sessions are 2 hours long. All the live sessions are recorded, so you don’t have to be able to attend the live sessions in order to do the course.

  • An additional five pre-recorded modules, delivered by video and accompanying learning materials. These are released at roughly weekly intervals as the course progresses.

  • A website discussion forum and (an optional) Signal group, where students can ask questions, discuss topics, share experiences and additional resources, and get support, encouragement, and a sense of community.

  • A bonus video, answering students’ questions and offering additional teaching.

The exact content of each module will vary, as tutors will tailor it to the needs and wishes of the participants. However, the basic structure is as follows:

Click to expand:

Module 1: What is shamanism (live & recorded)

After watching a pre-recorded talk – “What is Shamanism” – given by Paul Francis, the founder of the college, a chance for students to ask the tutors any questions that they have. Then a tutor-led guided shamanic journey to the Lower-World.

Learn how to do a shamanic Power Animal retrieval journey. Or, for those who already have a Power Animal, a journey to receive shamanic healing. N.B. Sessions 1 and 2 will be delivered as a double live session.

Exploring what a Power Animal is and how to work with them in much more depth.

How to develop a “hollowing-out” practice – how to make sure that your shamanic journeys are grounded, authentic and Spirit-led.

“The Great Forgetting”: Our separation, domestication and “the Fall”. Why we nearly lost shamanism and animism, and why we need them back.

Learn the basics of doing shamanic healing for other people. Includes looking at interpersonal skills, healthy power-dynamics, and ethical considerations.

Grounding practices – how to do a shamanic “burial” and/or tree journey. Plus, the basics of doing a “shamanic extraction”.

The “Great Remembering”. How we can reconnect to animism and shamanism, and in doing so, regain our sanity and heal our broken connection with the world. Includes a look at the similarities and the differences between shamanism and psychotherapy.

A bonus video (or videos) based on topics and issues that have been raised on the student forums, where the tutor will answer any questions and address any remaining issues.

Module 1 (live, and recorded)

After watching a pre-recorded talk – “What is Shamanism” - given by Paul Francis, the founder of the college, a chance for students to ask the tutors any questions that they have. Then a tutor-led guided shamanic journey to the Lower-World.

Module 2 (delivered as a double live session with Module 1, and recorded)

Learn how to do a shamanic Power Animal retrieval journey. Or, for those who already have a Power Animal, a journey to receive shamanic healing. N.B. Sessions 1 and 2 will be delivered as a double live session.

Module 3 (video)

Exploring what a Power Animal is and how to work with them in much more depth.

Module 4 (live, and recorded)

How to develop a "hollowing-out" practice – how to make sure that your shamanic journeys are grounded, authentic and Spirit-led.

Module 5 (video)

“The Great Forgetting”: Our separation, domestication and "the Fall”. Why we nearly lost shamanism and animism, and why we need them back.

Module 6 (video)

Lean the basics of doing shamanic healing for other people. Includes looking at interpersonal skills, healthy power-dynamics, and ethical considerations.

Module 7 (live, and recorded)

Grounding practices - how to do a shamanic "burial" and/or tree journey. Plus, the basics of doing a "shamanic extraction".

Module 8 (video)

The "Great Remembering". How we can reconnect to animism and shamanism, and in doing so, regain our sanity and heal our broken connection with the world. Includes a look at the similarities and the differences between shamanism and psychotherapy.

Module 9 (bonus video)

A bonus video (or videos) based on topics and issues that have been raised on the student forums, where the tutor will answer any questions and address any remaining issues.

Between modules, participants will have the option of joining private peer-led online groups, to offer each other encouragement and support, ask questions, and share ideas and experiences. Participants also can submit questions to the course tutors, to be answered at the next online session.  


shamanic courses online
  • Zoom Online Sessions With Founder of Therapeutic Shamanism, Paul Francis.
  • Live Shamanic Journeying
  • Study in the Comfort of Your Own Home.
shamanism courses
  • Detailed Course Notes.
  • Video Recording of Every Class.
  • Submit Your Questions for the Next Session and Discuss with Peers.
  • Learn at Your Own Pace.
  • Meet Like Minded People.
  • Connect Between Sessions on Website Forum and (optional Signal group).
  • Deepen the Connection in Break-Out Rooms During Live Sessions.

Improved Access

  • ONGOING ACCESS. All our courses come with life-time access to the teaching materials.

  • FREE LIFE-TIME REVISION! When we (re)run any course that you have done previously, you can sign up for the new version for free!

  • SELF-PACED LEARNING. If you can’t make the time or dates for the live sessions, don’t worry! Just sign up, then do the courses by watching the recordings of the live sessions, all in your own time and at your own pace. Signing up also allows you to join the courses’ lively discussion forums, where students can share experiences, ask further questions, debate issues and share ideas and resources.

  • JOIN A SUPPORTIVE SHAMANIC COMMUNITY. Interest in shamanism and animism is growing all the time. However, our students often say that finding people to walk the shamanic path with can be hard, and so how much they come to deeply value our online community. Signing up for our online courses allows you to join our thriving and growing international community, where you can share your experiences, ask questions and discuss things, and gain support, encouragement, and inspiration.
live shamanic
ongoing access
& free repeats
your shamanic

Course Requirements

Online Access

To access the course, participants will of course need an internet-enabled device (computer, tablet or smartphone) and wi-fi connection to take part. The platform we use for the live sessions is Zoom meetings – help will be available for getting set up if needed.

Mental Health - IMPORTANT!

Shamanic healing can be of great benefit with mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and self-esteem issues. However, shamanic work does require a reasonable degree of mental robustness and groundedness, and emotional resilience. As such, like meditation and other similar practices, it can be contra-indicated in mental health issues such as psychosis, mania, severe depression, or dissociative disorders. So, if you have any mental health issues (current or historical) which you feel may impact on your ability to journey safely, then please do discuss this with us prior to booking on the course. Any discussion will, of course, be treated confidentially.



If you are looking for a special Christmas present for your spiritually curious friend, consider gifting a course in animism, shamanic journeying, and therapeutic shamanism.

To order a gift voucher:

1. Get in Touch: Email us at to express your interest. Share your friend’s name and email.

2. Payment Process: We’ll send you a PayPal invoice for a quick and secure transaction.

3. Personalized Voucher: After payment, we’ll create a personalized voucher with a special code linked to your friend’s email and send it to you.

Meet the team

The college’s founders, Paul Francis and Cat Anderson, deliver the online meetings. Additional experienced tutors are brought in to assist as needed, depending on student numbers.

I am a shamanic practitioner, teacher, writer, founder of Therapeutic Shamanism, and of the Three Ravens College of Therapeutic Shamanism and Animism. As well as drawing on my experience in shamanism and animism, my teaching and writing is heavily influenced by my psychotherapy background too.

More about Paul

I am a qualified and registered Internal Family Systems therapist. I have also trained in Person-Centred counselling, Homeopathy, Naturopathy,  Brainspotting, and Advanced IEMT (Integral Eye Movement Therapy).

More about Cat

Course Dates & Details

We run the First-Steps course at regular intervals. The dates of the next ones are:

November to December 2024


Starts Saturday 9th November 2024. Booking now!

More dates are added at regular intervals. Subscribe to our newsletter to be kept informed. You can also follow us on social media to stay updated: Instagram, Facebook.

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Read the best selling “Therapeutic Shamanism” Series of books. Suitable for both complete beginners and experienced practitioners alike, the books are an apprenticeship for modern times

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