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Rewilding Yourself

Discovering Your Soul’s Deep Roots Through Shamanic Practices

‘Rewilding Yourself’ was written for all the people that feel a sense that something is missing from modern-day life.

That, for example, feel a yearning for something that is not met by money, possessions, human interactions or even religions. Alongside this may be disenchantment with consumerist culture, and concerns about the impact we humans are having on the natural world. So if this in any way describes you, ‘Rewilding Yourself’ is a must-read.


For many centuries, earth-based spiritual practices have been persecuted and suppressed all over the world. They have been replaced by materialism, the myth of human supremacy, and ungrounded religions. Losing our connection with nature and our spiritual connection with the natural world, we have tamed most of the Earth to the extent that little true wilderness is left. In the process, we have destroyed indigenous cultures that lived in harmony with the environment for thousands of years. Moreover, we have domesticated not only the world around us but ourselves too. In doing so, we have lost our way. We have become uprooted and adrift and are killing the ecosystems to which we belong.


The ancient practice of shamanism cultivates a deep spiritual connection to the Earth. It is not a religion. There is no dogma, and it doesn’t require blindly believing anything. Instead, it offers practical methods that can heal our sense of disconnection, and provides a template for living in a healthy relationship with the Earth. Therapeutic Shamanism is rooted in these ancient practices and shows us how we can take them forward and make them relevant to modern-day life.


We will start by recapping some of the basic principles and terminology that I am going to be using and referring to throughout the rest of the book. Much of this is not just terminology and concepts that are generic to shamanism as a whole, but ideas that are crucial to understanding the Therapeutic Shamanism approach.

Chapter two will look at what the lower-world actually is underneath the layers of the cultural distortions of modern ‘civilisation’. The process of rewilding yourself calls for a development of a deep and authentic shamanic practice that is relevant to the times in which we now live.We need to understand what has happened to us over the last few thousand years of our domestication and what I refer to as ‘the Fall’.

I will take you through the process of meeting your main human lower-world Guide and lifelong teacher. We look in detail about working with Human Guides in the lower-world and the questions people often have about them

In chapter four, we begin exploring the kinds of things that happen in lower-world journeys and start to make sense of them as key lower-world shamanic practices. We begin this process by looking at so-called ‘transformation practices’. These practices are key both as healing practices and in helping us to deepen our ability to journey. They include weird and wonderful things such as burials, burnings, dismemberments, dissolvings, cocoonings, poisonings and shapeshiftings. They are crucial for the process of rewilding yourself.


We look at some examples of actual journeys, to get a better idea of what we are aiming for. We look at what journeys ideally should sound and feel like, and what to look out for, and examine examples of both good and not-so-good practice. This should help strengthen and deepen your journeying and make your journeys more authentic.

In this chapter, we explore shamanic extraction work. Extraction is the removal of intrusions, ‘foreign bodies’, that lodge in us. We look in detail at the different kinds of intrusions we encounter when journeying, and the issues involved in removing each of them. We finish the chapter by looking at the protocols for doing extraction work in the lower-world.

We look at intrusions that are powerful enough to take someone over and influence their thoughts and behaviour against their will, literally ‘possessing’ them. We explore how possession is a common occurrence these days, and how (and why) it is symptomatic of our industrial and agricultural way of life. Furthermore, this will include a brief look at what (probably) happens when we die, and the importance of knowing about the ‘unquiet dead’. We finish the chapter by looking at the lower-world depossession protocols.

Firstly, we will look at the hugely important practice of disentanglement: the practice of healthily freeing ourselves from relationships with people, objects, situations and places that are no longer healthy or serving us, or which we have outgrown. Secondly, we then look at hunting and gathering journeys, to help us reconnect with being Human. Finally, we will finish with expansion journeys and the being-not-doing journeys.


Following on from the highly-acclaimed first volume in this series, “Rewilding Yourself”, Volume 2 in the Therapeutic Shamanism Series, is an in-depth and comprehensive guide, uniquely dedicated to shamanic lower-world practices. Along with being eye-opening and full of life-changing insights, it also provides a practical, step-by-step guide to reconnecting to the sacredness of the earth and to rediscovering the deep, wild and connected roots of your own, true soul.

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(reviews from Amazon UK)

'Rewilding yourself' is a superb book. I found it even better than Paul's first (also excellent) book in this series. The book contains detailed explanations of the practice of shamanic journeying. I hadn't properly appreciated the role of a Power Animal in journeying and Paul's instructions immediately and very substantially boosted my own experiences. His accounts and analyses of journeys are also extremely helpful: they give immensely valuable guidance on unpicking the reality of lower world experience from one's subjective overlay. Paul's writing has a light touch but he is always careful and rigorously ethical. This is a deep subject and he is a teacher one can trust.

In the second book in this fascinating series, Paul Francis' conceptual clarity makes both the reason for society's ills and the remedy for them seem indisputable. He blends the ancient with the modern seamlessly and tackles the inevitable doubts about shamanic reality with gentle humour. Lots of detailed exercises are provided so you really can practice what he preaches; I'm very much looking forward to the healing process. Highly recommended.

I eagerly awaited 'Rewilding Yourself', the second book in Paul Francis’ Therapeutic Shamanism series, and wasn’t disappointed. Another excellent, stimulating, content rich book and practical resource. I especially like that it can be approached in different and flexible ways to suit the reader; reading through from start to finish and then returning to the exercises, systematically taking a chapter at a time and doing exercises as you go, or creating your own personal reading and learning path through it. A helpful blend of background, context, case studies, examples and suggestions for shamanic journeys and other shamanic practices. Accessible to both the relative novice and the more experienced practitioner, to guide you through building and deepening connection and learning. Clearly written from a grounded, ethical knowledgeable place, I felt in safe hands. An indispensable guide to soul-full therapeutic shamanism, for the age we live in. Highly recommended.

This second book, as was the first, is grounded in wisdom, knowledge and ethics. Written with humour, honesty and great awareness, it lends itself to those new to Shamanism and those already following a Shamanic Path as practitioners. I believe the series, once complete, will be a timeless cornerstone for Shamanic work. 'Rewilding yourself' is a must read book.

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shamanic journey realms

Shamanism tells us that there is another, deeper reality behind this day-to-day, physical one. Whilst shamanic people live with the sense of both ordinary reality and shamanic reality being side-by-side, there are times when they choose to deliberately and temporarily immerse themselves more fully in shamanic reality; to enter one of the shamanic realms and go on a shamanic journey. 

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rewilding yourself

In journeys, true power and wisdom come not from the practitioner themselves, but from their ability to let greater, wiser spirits (their Guides) work through them. As well as the practitioner’s Power Animal, their Guides can include Human ones too.

Different Human Guides have different temperaments and personalities. Often they have different shamanic specialisms. They are a great ally on a journey of rewilding yourself.

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rewilding yourself transformation practices

Transformation practices use 5 elements to help us with healing and energy hygiene, hollowing out and they also prepare us for the ultimate transformation – death. They will also assist in rewilding yourself.

Common to all transformation practices is the experience of being taken completely apart and reduced to something formless, and then being reformed again. In a sense, they are a mini ‘death’ and rebirth.

They include various shamanic practices, including burials, burnings, dismemberments, dissolvings, cocoonings, poisonings and shapeshifting.

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The book is the second in the Therapeutic Shamanism series. The series is a thorough, step-by-step guide to shamanic practice, the first of its kind to go into such detail and depth. An apprenticeship for modern times.


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