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BELTANE: From Crossroads to Clarity

Happy Beltane!

Beltane marks the transition from Spring to Summer, and the transition from air to fire on the Medicine wheel. 
It’s a time of celebration, joy, and fertility, and a transition point. 


In shamanism and animism, there is a particular interest in transitions, in the “betwixt and between” places, the cracks between the worlds. This is where the really interesting stuff can happen, where the veil between the physical and non-physical realms is at its thinnest.


DIRECTION: from East to South
SEASON: from Spring to Summer
TIME OF DAY: from early morning (6 am) to mid-morning (9 am)
TIMELINE: from thinking about the future, to being in the present
CHAKRAS: from heart chakra to solar-plexus/umbilical chakra
PLANT CYCLE: from shoots & buds, to leaves and flowers
ANIMALS: from flying animals to hunters
SENSES: from touch and sensation, to sight
STAGES OF LIFE: from new life, to infant to adolescence
HUMAN: from head and mind, to will-power
CHALLENGING EMOTIONS: from anxiety and worry, to anger
ACTION: from thinking and considering, to action & doing
LEARNING CYCLES: from theory & ideas, to action & experience

Beltane teaches us about moving future plans in the present-day reality.


Getting stuck at the Beltane point on the Medicine Wheel is about getting stuck at a crossroads and being afraid to move forward, out of a fear of making the “wrong” decision or closing off any possibilities. This can lead to a life spent stuck in indecision and procrastination, never making any progress. Ultimately, to move forward is to let go of other options, and to take the risk of pursuing something new. Every decision we make leads us down a certain path, and not all paths can be walked on.



To tune into Beltane energy, try to see past the modern human world and notice what is around you. Nature is the best teacher for getting unstuck and letting the energy flow around the wheel freely. At Beltane, spring is in full swing, and nature is at its most vibrant and colourful. The trees are lush with new leaves, and flowers are blooming in abundance. The air is filled with the sweet scent of lilacs, cherry blossoms, and other fragrant smells. The sun is shining bright, and the days are getting longer, providing ample time for outdoor activities. Birds are busy building nests and singing their songs, while butterflies and bees flutter from flower to flower, pollinating the plants. 


Air has been about thinking things through before taking action. It emphasises planning, preparation and considering consequences. To move all the ideas and plans into action and get things done, you need to use your willpower and push through, which is the domain of Fire. This involves making firm decisions, which may necessitate letting go of certain things and taking calculated risks to pursue a chosen path. It’s the crucial initial step.   

Revisit the goal-setting exercise we did at the Spring Equinox and honestly look for any parts of you that are resistant to doing it. Then, do shamanic journeys to ask for help – for help with your goals, and equally importantly, for help in healing any wounded parts of you that would otherwise get in the way. 

You might draw from the focus of Falcon or Heron, the courage of Lion, the industry of Bee, the steadfastness of Wolf, the cleverness of Fox or Raven, the perspective of Eagle, or so on. Or be healed by the joy of Spring Flowers, the abundance of Pollen or Insect, or the persistence of River in finding a way to the Sea. The healing and teaching is all there, if you just seek it out, ask, and learn from it.

Remember: It’s crucial to remember that healthy goals should not be a burden or source of stress. Rather, they should provide motivation and a sense of purpose. If we allow ourselves to go with the flow without any direction, we may feel aimless and unfulfilled.


Although Beltane marks a transition to Summer, it’s still Spring! Spring is connected to Air element, so those familiar with shamanic journeys can still significantly benefit from sky burial journeys.

Also, go and be Spring in a journey – be Wind, be Animals waking up from hibernation, be Plants emerging from the ground and bursting into leaf, be Birds nesting. Remember, from an animist perspective, Nature is our greatest teacher and healer, and Spring in particular brings new life, new energy, and hope. Do all you can shamanically to immerse yourself in it.

Learn how to do a shamanic journey through our online training course here.


Paul Francis

P.s. You can read more about the Medicine Wheel here.

Upcoming courses:


Our essential introductory course for anyone wishing to study shamanism and animism.
Starting June 9th


  • The history of shamanism and animism. What they are, and what this tells us about where we find ourselves today. 
  • How to do a shamanic journey (a step-by-step method).
  • How to do a Power Animal retrieval journey and find your own Power Animal.
  • Other shamanic nature-based practices. 
  • Why we nearly lost shamanism and lost our way in the process, and how we can recover.
  • Therapeutic Shamanism – the differences and similarities between ancient shamanism and modern psychotherapy, and what they might learn from each other.
  • The basics of how to do simple shamanic healing for other people (including not just humans, but pets and other animals too). 


June: THE INNER TRIBE: Shamanism, Soul Retrieval and Parts-Of-Self Therapy. If an illness has a shamanic origin, the underlying issue is always Soul loss or Power loss. In the long-awaited course, we will uncover the root causes and symptoms of soul loss, learn powerful techniques to locate and retrieve lost soul fragments, and learn how to bring them back, negotiate their stay, and ensure their integration into the inner system of our parts-of-self, our inner tribe. More details here.

August: DEEPER EXPLORATIONS OF THE LOWER-WORLD. Learn more vital shamanic techniques and practices. This includes an in-depth exploration of shamanic Extractions, De-possessions, Disentanglings, Expansions and Just-Being practices. More details here.

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